More and more Shrek! 10/19/08

With shrek opening in less than TWO months (!) the show is getting more and more media on all the top Broadway sites. First off, the Shrek cast was interviewed for! See the video here! And some pictures here!

Also, not Shrek but Sutton is on a new video on with Scott Alan. She is going to be singing on his new CD. This video is absoloutely hysterical. Check it out here! (She is not shown until about three minutes into the video) Finally, Sutton was at the lighting of the new TKTS booth. Check out the pictures here!

Thats all for now. But be sure to keep checking here and at the SimplySutton message board for updates and be sure to post lots!

As always,


Shrek Updates!  10/2/08

We have a BUNCH of updates from for Shrek the Musical.

First, here's opening night photos for the Seattle run: Click here! Here's a video from the show's opening night in Seattle: Click here!  Next, the NY Times has released the first production photos from Shrek: Click here! Sutton looks absolutely stunning in her Princess Fiona costume!

Last, but not least, there have been some cast changes for Shrek the  Musical. Don't worry, Sutton's still playing Fiona on Broadway. Daniel Breaker is taking over the role of Donkey for the Broadway run; Chester Gregory played the Eddie Murphy role in Seattle. Also, Kecia Lewis-Evans will no longer be playing the role of the Dragon on Broadway. Source: The Associated Press.

Shrek will open on Broadway on December 14. Click here for tickets.

Thanks to the administrators and members of the Simply Sutton message board for the information.


THREE Amazing Shrek Videos! 8/24/08

"King5", a Seattle based news show has posted THREE phenominal videos of Shrek the Musical! One, is of Gingy, everyone's favorite gingerbread man! Check it out here! Also, there is one that was made for the opening of the show with a montage here! And finally, check out a behind the scenes peek! Sutton is featured and they show her number with the young Fionas, I Know It's Today. Go here!


Shrek the Musical opens TOMORROW, August 14th, 2008 in Seattle at The 5th Avenue Theatre! For more information on the show in Seattle, visit HERE! Good luck, Sutton!!!!


More and more Shrek articles!!! 8/13/03
With Shrek opening this week, articles are popping up everywhere! One of the administrators' personal favorites is one where she is called "explosively likeable"! Check it out HERE! Also, for all the latest updates of Shrek the Musical, check out


New article about Shrek! 8/8/08

Sutton and the cast of Shrek are keeping the details of the eagerly-anticipated musical a secret! The musical begins previews at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle next Thursday, August 14. It will run until September 21 there. It is expected to open on Broadway on December 14.

Read more of the article here:

Thanks to Beth for finding this article!


Sutton Visits [title of show] 7/10/08
More pictures we love!

Sutton visited [title of show] after their preview performance at the Lyceum Theatre on July 8! says "In fact, the gathering could've easily been mistaken for a Drowsy Chaperone reunion. Sutton Foster was there, fresh from her final performance of Young Frankenstein, as was her former Drowsy co-star Edward Hibbert. What's the connection? Drowsy producer Kevin McCollum is currently putting his weight behind [title of show]. See who else was on hand at the preview!"

Check out the pictures here!

Happy viewing!


Farewell Transylvania! 7/7/08
Hello again!

According to, Sutton has left Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein as of yesterday, July 6th. She played the role of Inga. She has left the show to continue rehearsals for Shrek, opening on Broadway in December. She will be missed! To read the article, click HERE!


Shrek Casting! 6/26/08
Hey Everyone!

First things first, Welcome again! Since this site is brand new, I'm going to start the news section with the Shrek final casting announcement. As many of you may or may not know, Sutton is leaving playing Inga in Young Frankenstien to play Princess Fiona in Shrek the Musical! Shrek's cast is filled with incredibly talented people and the show, so far, is looking like its going to be a hit! Sutton will also be in the show with her sister-in-law Jenn Cody. To see who else is in this cast click HERE! Also, if you want to see the bio's of the principle roles, click HERE!


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