
October 31, 2008
This is a test. Hopefully it will post.


October 28, 2008
sdfjkwl;thk; ;laskrjy;lgkjao wlkj;leakj;hyl2qjksaod[civjaeqo;5ijtb;anleig ;kjewt;lhk
jwarkg;alrkhjqlsagjkb;lewtjkh jkl;kjflaskjrg;oqijg jatgkl; qafkgj;alsgjk al  jkg a; jkwk j.jgalsfj lkrjlraslk lajksl
s fsflksjf l;sdj l;s jlrk ljlkrjl;iw;ltkjal;wkrgj;lwkj laskj lawk j

This has been a test.

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First Post

October 28, 2008
So, I'm adding a post here to start. And test the news thing. Once I figure out how to make it work I'll merge it with the News section. For now it's the News Blog.

I also want to figure out how to put that image at the top... another thing I know I can figure out with time. This synthasite thing is strange. lol

Anyway, I'm just typing to fill up space. Meeting was good today.

Talk to y'all later!
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