SimplySutton originated when two of our admins (Darci and Kelly) came together to make the wonderful fanboard, SimplySutton. Soon enough,   their two moderators of the fanboard (Lauren and Beth) joined the administrators of the fanboard to create this fansite. Now Kelly, Darci, Lauren, and Beth are all administrators of this site working to give you the number one source for Sutton Foster. Keep reading to learn a little more about the admins!




Location: Massachusetts, USA

Favorite Sutton show: The Drowsy Chaperone. It was my first show I saw on Broadway and first show I saw her in.

Favorite Sutton song: Astonishing. It was the first song I heard her sing.

How long have you been a Sutton fan?:Since I was 13.. so 2004/2005.

How did you become a Sutton-fan?:Well I saw a picture of her and thought.. "wow she must be really young for being a lead on broadway". I thought she was 17! I looked her up and thought she was amazing and had to much talent! Then I got the Little Women and Thoroughly Modern Millie CDs and was hooked. I was obsessed with Little Women because I had tickets to see it in Boston. Soon through internet and youtube I became a crazy fan! Sutton is my IDOL!

Have you seen her on stage and which shows?: Yes!! I saw her in The Drowsy Chaperone twice and I saw Young Frankenstein twice but the first time, unfortunately, she was out of the show for that day.

Have you met her? Yes!! Four times!

Why Sutton?: Well, Sutton is truely talented but the more "astonishing" thing is that she is a very real person. She is very sweet in person and  doesn't adhere to the corruption of fame. When you meet her in person, she treats you like the person you are, nothing less. She is also incredibly talented and she totally deserves it! She isn't afraid to be herself and walk to her own beat. I could go on and on for years! Basically, she's awesome, she has a good head on her shoulders, and she's sooo talented!

About me: My name is Lauren. I am currently in my junior year in High School. I like pina collatas and getting caught in the rain. I LOVE broadway. I LOVE theater and I do professional shows in and around Boston, MASS. My life revolves around it. I have no free time EVER but its the way I want it. I want to be on Broadway more than ANYTHING! Sutton is my absoloute idol.




Location: Maryland, USA

Favorite Sutton Show: Do I have to just pick one? I love them all. Ok, fine. The Drowsy Chaperone. No! Thoroughly Modern Millie. No! Young Frankenstein! Little Women! 

Favorite Sutton Song: “Astonishing” from Little Women…I’ll always remember sitting in the orchestra section, dead center, and Sutton belting that song live…it was an amazing experience, “Gimme Gimme” from Thoroughly Modern Millie…it was the first song I ever heard her sing.

How long have you been a Sutton fan?: 4 years!

How did you become a Sutton-fan?:  Long story… I watched the Macy’s Parade in 2002; Sutton was performing “Thoroughly Modern Millie”. I didn’t know who she was, but I remember I was mesmerized by her. Then, I wanted to learn more about Broadway, so I bought this CD of a bunch of different Broadway songs, and the song “Gimme Gimme” was on it. It became one of my favorite songs. I finally saw that show on tour in 2004, got the CD, became obsessed with it, and saw her soon after in March of 2005 in Little Women on Broadway. I’ve gone back too see her in every show ever since. She “astonishes” me every time. I finally got to meet her in August 2006, and have met her many times since.

Have you seen her on stage and which shows?: Yep. 6 times… 1 in Little Women, 2 in The Drowsy Chaperone, 3 in Young Frankenstein.

Have you met Sutton?: Yes, many times…more times than I want to admit.

Why Sutton?: Sutton is my idol, and the most talented person I’ve ever heard of. She has a beautiful singing voice, amazing acting talent, and is a heck of a dancer. She also is incredibly humble, and I can’t imagine never hearing about her. She has inspired me and changed my life in countless ways. Sutton is also one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. I love Sutton, and I’m very proud to be part of this website!

About me: I’m Kelly and I’m going into my junior year in college, majoring in theatre. I want to be on Broadway as a singer and actress; it’s my “finest dream”. I also love to write, and it’s another dream of mine to be a published novelist. I’m obsessed with Broadway and Sutton, obviously. I’ve had many obsessions, but my admiration of Sutton has lasted the longest of any of them. My idols are Sutton, of course, Megan Mullally, Beth Leavel, Mara Davi, J.K. Rowling, and Julie Andrews. I enjoy acting, singing, dancing, writing, drawing, hanging out with friends, watching movies, reading (especially Harry Potter), and of course surfing the net. I’m hopelessly addicted to Broadway message boards, Will & Grace, Harry Potter, and anything Sutton. 




Location: Maine, USA

Favorite Sutton Show: Millie because that show changed my life, and it was the first time I heard about Sutton. Drowsy because well, it’s a riot and a tear jerker all at once. Young Frankenstein because it’s a riot, and I saw Sutton three times in two days from the second and first row. Amazing.

Favorite Sutton Song: “Astonishing”. “Not for the Life of Me”. “Gimme Gimme”.

How long have you been a Sutton fan?: Five years

How did you become a Sutton-fan?: I fell in love with her as soon as she sang “Not for the Life of Me” in Millie back in 2003, I was sold. 

Have you seen her on stage and which shows?: Once in Thoroughly Modern Millie, once in The Drowsy Chaperone and three times in Young Frankenstein

Have you met Sutton?: Yes, twice. Once before Drowsy in ‘06 and once before YF in ‘08

Why Sutton?: Sutton has literally changed my life. When I saw her in Millie it just looked like she was having the time of her life. I just knew from that moment on that Broadway is without a question where I belong. And as I learned more about her I found out how much her life story is like mine, and how down to earth she is. I aspire to be just like her in not only my career, but in my life too.

About me: I am 19 years old, I finished one year of college as a theatre major. My dream is to be on Broadway, I would be happy just getting to dance in the ensemble, but I would also love to star in a musical. I love to write. I have a book in progress that I would love to get published some day. I also want to have a couple of shows on Broadway. I love to read, mostly autobiographies, and biographies. Gene Wilder's book is amazing, as well as Teri Garr's. I have ten cats that I love very dearly, and lost two whom I miss a lot. I love to surf the net, make web sites / message boards. Also, lately I found that Photoshop occupies me greatly. My idol Sutton Foster, while Kelly Clarkson is my favorite non Broadway singer, and Jodie Foster is my favorite actress. Also on Broadway I love Mara Davi, Beth Leavel, Marissa O'Donnell, Amanda Balon, and Hunter Foster. 




Location: Alabama, USA 

Favorite Sutton Show: The Drowsy Chaperone. I just think it's incredibly unique and brilliant. 

Favorite Sutton Song: “The Fire Within Me”. It's such a powerful song, which conveys all sorts of emotions. And Sutton brings/brought so much passion to it. 

How long have you been a Sutton fan?: Um... I believe it was toward the end of 2006 when I heard about her. She was in Drowsy. I think. 

How did you become a Sutton-fan?: I heard her back in 2003 on the Millie recording, but I didn't think much of it. Then, in 2006 or so I watched a video of her performing something from Millie and I became very intrigued. I looked her up and listened to some of her recordings and I was hooked. Then I bought all of her recordings.

Have you seen her on stage and which shows?: No, unfortunately. I've seen her perform online. Basically that's it.  

Have you met Sutton?: Not in person

Why Sutton?: First thing I liked about her was the voice. She's extremely talented. I also love how down to earth and humble she is. She's funny, and she cares about her fans. Plus, she picks great shows to star in. ;) 

About me: I'm Beth. I'm 18 and I just graduated high school. I live at home with my parents and five younger siblings. I like singing and movies, and I'm not very good at driving. I love kids and summer and DisneyWorld. I really want to go to NYC someday.


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