1. Overture

2. Hello
3. Fancy Dress
4. Percy Hyman
5. Cold Feets
6. The Ooops Girl
7. Show Off
8. Beatrice Stockwell
9. As We Stumble Along
10. Roman Bartelli
11. I Am Aldolpho
12. Accident Waiting to Happen
13. The Tall Brothers
14. Toledo Surprise
15. Act 1 Finale
16. Bride's Lament
17. Love Is Always Lovely in the End
18. George's Triumph
19. I Do, I Do in the Sky
20. As We Stumble Along (Reprise)
21. I Remeber Love (Bonus Track)
22. Message From a Nightingale (Bonus Track)

1. Overture

2. The Happiest Town in Town
3. The Brain
4. Please Don't Touch Me
5. Together Again
6. Roll in the Hay
7. Join the Family Business
8. He Vas My Boyfriend
9. Life, Life
10. Welcome to Tranyslvania
11. Transylvania Mania
12. He's Loose
13. Listen to Your Heart
14. Surprise
15. Please Send Someone
16. Man About Town
17. Puttin' On the Ritz (Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin)
18. Deep Love
19. Frederick's Soliloquy
20. Finale Ultimo

21. Alone (Bonus Track) 
22. Transylvania Mania Blues (Available only on iTunes)

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