A fansite for the astonishing Sutton Foster; your number one source!

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Hello All!! And welcome! We hope you enjoy it here! Feel free to explore and have fun! PLEASE NOTE that this fansite is directly connected to the fan forum SimplySutton. Please become a member there to discuss Sutton's roles, news, shows, and stories! Please be respectful on this site. It is purely a FAN site. Also, if there are any questions feel free to contact any of the admins: Lauren, Darci, Kelly,  and Beth at simplysuttonadmins@gmail.com.


P.S.- Remember this site is a work in progress!!!


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Head on over to SimplySutton the fan forum and click on the SimplySutton Project section. There you can post your personal Fan Reviews, Sutton Autographs, Stagedoor Stories, Stagedoor Pictures with Sutton, Why Sutton?, and Sutton Quotes. Post your favorites and they just may be used here on the site! Please read the Important Notice in the section before posting. Also, you do have to join the SimplySutton fan board before posting. Questions? Email us at simplysuttonadmins@gmail.com. Though we would love to have you join, if you would like to be a part of the site but do not wish to join the forum, please email us at the above address.

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